
Friday, March 18, 2011

Update of current situation in Japan

First, we would like to thank each and every one of you who wrote expressing their concern and support following the major earthquake that shook Japan a week ago. Thankfully, our staff here are fine and our facilities were undamaged. We have resumed work on our regular schedule and shipments are going out as usual. Also, BIG IN JAPAN is located in Minato-ku, one of the three wards of Tokyo which are spared from the rolling blackouts . Therefore our work should not be directly affected by electric shortage.

However, please note that parcels may experience delays in leaving Japan because of logistical disturbances in the postal system. Similarly, the release of some items might be postponed by a few days. Bandai and Megahouse, for example, have already announced that much.

For those of you who might be worried about radiations, fear not ! Radiation levels in the Tokyo area are pretty much non-existent (0.05 on average). As things stand right now, only the immediate vicinity of the Fukushima nuclear plant is a risky place to be. So no, the items we send you will not be contaminated or represent any sort of health hazard.

We hope the situation at the nuclear plant will get sorted out in the next few days and Japan can start recovering from this terrible disaster.

- The BIG IN JAPAN team

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